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Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 491)

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Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491)

Are you dreaming of a new life in Australia’s beautiful and less densely populated regions? Looking to secure a chance to extend your adventure for an additional five years?

Consider applying for the newly introduced Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) – subclass 491 visa and take the first step towards your regional Australian dream!

Reasons to Opt for the Subclass 491 Visa

The Regional Skilled Work (Provisional) – subclass 491 visa stands as a temporary permit granting skilled workers and their dependents the opportunity to reside, undertake educational courses, and engage in employment within Australia’s designated regional localities for a duration of five years. The lifespan of this visa extends up to five years, presenting a pathway to permanent residency under Subclass 191 after a three-year period, subject to the satisfaction of specific criteria.

Qualification Requisites

Prospective applicants for this visa must:

Be endorsed by an Australian state or territory government, or have sponsorship from a qualified family member residing in a specified regional area.

Subclass 491 Visa Points Allocation Mechanism

The Subclass 491 Visa follows a points-tested system akin to other visas within the General Skilled Migration framework. Points are generally allocated based on factors such as age, educational qualifications, work experience both within Australia and abroad, English proficiency, and Australian educational credentials. Noteworthy is the revamped points system which offers additional scoring potential in several scenarios:

Procedure for Seeking a 491 Visa Invitation

Your application will be ranked for invitation purposes based on several scenarios:

Applicability of Subclass 491 Visa Holders for Other Visas

Visas Holders of the Subclass 491 visa are restricted from applying for visas within the General Skilled Migration program.

Pathway to Permanent Residency

The tenure for the Subclass 491 visa is five years, but eligibility for the permanent residency visa Subclass 191 is contingent upon meeting certain conditions:

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for general understanding only and does not constitute legal advice. Always refer to the latest information directly from the Department of Home Affairs at Department of Home Affairs Website


If you are applying this visa under the post-study work stream, a skill assessment is not needed.

Only if you are applying under the Graduate stream, you must provide an evidence of having your skills assessed by the relevant authority.

While the checklist varies depending on different cases, some of the common documents required are:

  • Current passports or travel documents
  • Copy of birth certificate showing parents of both primary applicant and the spouse
  • Evidence of name change
  • Certified copies of marriage certificates
  • If you are in de facto relationship, evidence showing a relationship for at least 12 months is required
  • If the spouse is widowed, divorced or separated permanently, a certified copy of death certificate, divorce or separation documents are required.
  • Health & Character documents

Visa Class

General Skilled Migration Visa (GSM)

The General Skilled Migration (GSM) Visa is an ideal option for skilled individuals aiming to migrate to Australia permanently. It is designed for those who do not have an employer sponsoring their migration but have skills in professions that Australia seeks.

Visa Subclass

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